1.Kegiatan Two Sector Economy
Two sectors of economic activity only involves two economic agents, namely households and firms.
a.Corak Economic Activity Subsystem
In shades of subsistence activities income recipients, in this case the household, do not save, and employers do not invest. In a society such as this income flow is as shown in the following figure:
Economic activity of a country and economic actors involved in the economy can be seen from the circular flow diagram below.
1.Kegiatan Two Sector Economy
Two sectors of economic activity only involves two economic agents, namely households and firms.
a.Corak Economic Activity Subsystem
1.Kegiatan Two Sector Economy
Two sectors of economic activity only involves two economic agents, namely households and firms.
a.Corak Economic Activity Subsystem
In shades of subsistence activities income recipients, in this case the household, do not save, and employers do not invest. In a society such as this income flow is as shown in the following figure:...